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2020-08-26 21:35:01外语类访问手机版69

  Time is a bird for ever on the wing.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的最新雅思考试口语练习材料,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们免费!

    雅思口语:Article that you read

  Describe an article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet about healthy life.

  You should say:

  when you read it

  where you read it

  what it is about

  and if you agree with this opinion of the article.





  food 和fitness 都是比较不错的选材


  首先当考生拿到这样一个题目的时候,一定要明确part2话题的关键词,和修饰语是什么,从题干里我们可以看出,分别是:an article, 以及healthy life, 才从哪里看到这篇文章,方式已经确定了,是from a magazine or from the Internet,所以请大家审题一定要仔细。这个话题比较新,是物品类话题中比较生僻的一个考题,所以希望考生引起足够的重视,最好是能够做一些前期储备,比如你想说的这篇文章具体谈论了什么,是在哪本杂志,或是哪个网站看到的,这个题目里面给出的4个线索,分别是:when/where you read it, what it is about, and if you agree with this opinion of the article.其中比较好展开的应该是what it is about,谈论它的内容,以及你的个人感受,你同意还是不同意,给出原因。那么在选材的时候,建议同学选和自己生活息息相关的,比如说饮食,healthy food, 10 secrets about healthy food; 或者是fitness, 5 tips for you to keep fit等等。之所以选这些有数字的文章,因为这样说起来会比较能够按照第一点,第二点这样展开,具有条理性。而如果选择解释某个和健康相关的现象,那么会相对来说难度过大,进而对流利度造成阻碍。最后考生可以结合自己的实际体验,谈论自己是否同意这篇文章的观点和看法。



  sun protection 防晒;Reader’s Digest 美国读者文摘 SPF 防晒系数 sunburn 晒伤;tips 小贴士; skin cancer 皮肤癌;lotion 乳液;wellbeing 幸福


  Well, I have read an article concerning about how to get sun protection in summer. I browsed it on Reader’s Digest online when I stayed at home for summer vocation several weeks ago. You know, there is a health column on its homepage, which is quite useful,and I do think getting to know something about how to avoid sunburn as well as skin damage is necessary in summer, so I looked at that article very carefully.

  In this article, it shares common sunscreen mistakes people make in daily life, and then it provides some tips to protect our skin from skin cancer and signs of aging. Actually, there are more than 5 sunscreen mistakes listed on the article, however, I can’t remember it all. But, one thing I would not forget is that it mentions we have always believed that applying a high SPF means you can spend more time in the sun without getting sunburn. Actually, that’s not really the case. Coating yourself in SPF 50 doesn’t mean that you can stay in the sun for longer. It suggests that we’d better reapply the lotion for at least every two hours.

  Health is strong related to everyone’s wellbeing and I totally agree with the opinions mentioned in the text. To be honest, I’m pretty gratitude for knowing the right way to protect my skin, if that’s not too late, as I used to believe that once I had put on sunscreen, then my face wouldn’t get damaged. So, I’d say that article really help me lead a healthier life.

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