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小学英语作文Happy New Year

2020-06-13 07:40:02二年级访问手机版453

  贺年卡happy New Year 
  我们第一段的建议开头句就是:It's been a long time, hasn't it? 真是好久不见了。接下来我们可以谈一谈自己的近况,好让朋友们了解你的生活过得如何。
  我们第二段的建议开头句就是:Recently I've been so busy because I have to prepare for my natural exam and science project.。最近我很忙,因为要准备段考和科展。
  我们第三段的建议开头句就是:I really want to visit you some day soon, how about the day before your son's birthday?。我真的很想赶快找一天拜访你,你儿子生日的前一天可以吗?
  亲爱的李老师Dear Mrs Li,真是好久不见了It's been a long time, hasn't it?
  自从上次拜访你之后,大概有一年没有看到你和你的家人了。Since the last time I visited you ,I haven't seen you and your family for a year..一切还顺利吧How's everything going?
  我一直很想念你,很想赶快跟你见面 I miss you so much that I really want to see you soon.
  最近我很忙,因为要准备段考和科展 Recently I've been so busy because I have to prepare for my natural exam and science project..你知道吗?我的科展晋级了耶。而且我觉得很有机会可以得奖哦。)You know what my project was advanced to an . .. and I think I can win the prize.到时候我一定会第一个通知你You will be the first know if I get it .你的儿子还好吧How is your son?会说话了吗?Can he speak now?他真的是一个很可爱的小婴儿He such a cute little baby!那你的女儿呢?How's your daughter? 她还在戴牙套吗?Is she still wearing braces?我真是迫不及待地想看到她把牙套拿下来的笑容I can't wait to see her smile without it. 我真的很想赶快找一天拜访你 I really want to visit you some day soon, 你儿子生日的前一天可以吗? How about the day before your son's birthday?这样我还可以带些玩具给他So I can bring him some toys.一定要赶快回我信哦,或打电话给我Please reply as soon as possible or call me.我真的很想听到你的消息I really want to hear some news from you.祝你新年快乐Wish you a happy new year!珍妮敬上Your sincerely Janie.
  Dear Mrs Li,
  It's been a long time, hasn't it? Since the last time I visited you,I haven't seen you and your family for a year.. How's everything going? I miss you so much that I really want to see you soon.。Recently I've been so busy because I have to prepare for my natural exam and science project.。You know what, my project was advanced to an . .. and I think I can win the prize. You will be the first know if I get it
  How is your son? Can he speak now? He such a cute little baby! How's your daughter? Is she still wearing braces? I can't wait to see her smile without it. I really want to visit you some day soon, How about the day before your son's birthday? So I can bring him some toys。Please reply as soon as possible or call me.。I really want to hear some news from you。
  Wish you a happy new year!
  Your sincerely

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